Machine data & Maintenance
Machine data & Maintenance

Machine data and Maintenance is the part of the machine's operating data. The user can define the details of the machine's properties. by setting the maximum, minimum, duration of care which customers can define into each part of the machine that which part has what requirements
The limitations of the machine will be set in the warning section to prevent damage to the machine or the value of the use of the machine. The maintenance interval will notify you when those values are time for maintenance. In order not to damage the machine and the machine is always working at full efficiency.
Machine Identify and Specification
Determine the properties of the machine to be the starting point for the creation of a data collection system. as well as lead to various notification systems All necessary such as (Location, Maximum capacity, Maximum speed, Minimum speed, etc.)
Alert Policy
Set Alert Policy to alert in multiple channels such as E-mail, Line, SMS, Tower Light + Voice.
- Notify if various values does not meet the requirements such as above or below a preset value
- Notify in case of setting in Machine Maintenance, in case of the cycle of maintenance in different parts that have been set